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SPAN supporting partners are schools and organizations whose mission and goals are aligned with our own, and whose services complement those we provide to the SPAN community. We work together as we strive to enhance transitions-care globally through meaningful collaboration, mutual support, and the exchange of information. 

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The Council of International Schools (CIS) is a non-profit membership organization providing services to schools and higher education institutions globally that share a commitment to high-quality education, and a desire to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to pursue their lives as global citizens.


CIS supports member schools to improve continuously, to access effective international educational practices, to gain recognition for accomplishments, to guide and develop educational leaders and staff, to facilitate student connections with top universities around the world, and to provide a high-quality international educational experience to globally-minded parents and students.





Key Contact: Jane Larsson, Executive Director


The International School Counselor Association (ISCA) is a professional membership organization dedicated to meet the unique needs of international school counselors working at international schools, benefiting student success in our global community. ISCA is the premier association formed by international school counselors for counselors. They cultivate a safe, open-minded environment to promote community, connection and professional learning. Their collection of offerings build relevant, culturally-competent, comprehensive programs that empower counselors to be better advocates who help students thrive.








Key Contact: Cheryl A Brown, Executive Director


For over five decades, the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA), has been developing and delivering strategic programmes supporting professional growth, good governance, strategic thinking and wellbeing in international schools across the continent. They provide their members with access to world-leading experts, advisors, trainers and facilitators specialising in matters such as school governance and leadership, professional learning, blended learning, child protection and wellbeing, inclusive education, innovation and technology, and more. AISA’s membership includes some 80 Associate Members comprising businesses, organisations and universities throughout the world whose primary mission is to serve the various needs of their member schools.







Key Contact: Barnabas Suva, Membership & Administration Manager


SENIA International advocates for neurodiverse and disabled individuals, empowers educators and family members, and fosters connections in our global community. SENIA's vision is to live in an inclusive world. They host annual professional learning conferences for their stakeholders worldwide and provide scholarships for youth and adult advocates. SENIA has many local and regional chapters. In Asia, where they started, they have over 15 local chapters, and they now also have regional chapters in Europe, Africa, South Africa and the Middle East.








Key Contact: Lori Boll, Executive Director

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Relocate Global is the leading independent multimedia for the global mobility, relocation and the international leadership market. They provide thought leadership, practical information, news and features for global decision makers, global mobility managers, HR, international schools and relocating families through their website, digital magazine, e-newsletters, Think Global People member community, awards and events. Their mission is to connect, inspire and support international leaders, corporate decision makers and their organisations and talent to grow.








Key Contact: Fiona Murchie, Founder & Managing Editor

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Inspire Citizens are international leaders in reimagining schools as community centers of sustainable development, equity, and well-being. They work with schools to design whole school programs for global citizenship education. Professional development for educators is provided through the Global Citizenship Certificate Program, designed to build capacity when it comes to exploring and implementing best practices for global citizenship, student leadership, community engagement, service learning, and strategies to empower students at all levels to be changemakers, take ownership of their learning, and positively impact themselves, their community, and the planet. Students also work directly with Inspires Citizens to develop Future Now leadership skills and the tools they need to be changemakers. Through the lens of holistic global citizenship, Inspire Citizens enable educators and learners to work together to shape a more equitable and sustainable future. Watch this space for future collaborations!






Key Contact: Scott Jamieson, Global Collaboration Lead

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